Reasons To Choose Pain Management Physiotherapy Singapore

Chronic pain may leave you wanting to curl up in bed with a heating pad as well as a bottle of medication to help ease your aches. Although doing exercise may sound like sheer torture, it may actually be one of the best pain management alternatives for your chronic pain.

Pain management physiotherapy Singapore can be highly effective for all types of chronic musculoskeletal as well as neuropathic types of pain.

Pain Management Physiotherapy Singapore

How does it help you?

Physiotherapy is used for post surgical rehabilitation Singapore and alleviates sources of chronic pain, including:
·         Osteoarthritis
·         Fibromyalgia
·         Chronic headaches
·         Rheumatoid arthritis
·         Neuropathic pain

One of the aims of physiotherapy is to assist chronic pain patients to become stronger, because they are usually weak from not moving. As a chronic pain treatment, physiotherapy can teach people how to move safely as well as functionally in ways that they haven’t been able to for quite a while.

Physiotherapy involves a number of diverse types of pain management methods including:
·         Massage
·         Manipulation of joints and bones
·         Manual therapy using hands or else tools on soft tissue
·         Cold laser therapy to alleviate inflammation as well as pain and release endorphins
·         Microcurrent stimulation, which emits alpha waves into the brain as well as increases serotonin and dopamine to lessen pain naturally
·         Movement therapy and exercise

A physiotherapist work with each patient to comprehend his or her particular pain – what causes it and what can be done to manage it? If you want to eliminate chronic pain, consider visiting Pooja Physiotherapy & Health Care Center.


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